
Minesweeper is an old puzzle game. The object of the game is to clear all the “mines” that are on the designated grid. There have been many iterations of this game that have been made over the years. This is a very simple puzzle game that can be played by anyone and has a very large popularity with many kinds of people.

The minesweeper game that I worked on was a group project for ICS 211. I was in a group of three people. We made the game with Java because that is what the class was taught in. The other people worked on the game itself while I mostly focused on the user interface, UI, for the game. I worked on the menus and the transition between the menus. I also worked a little on the graphics.

The final project worked for the most part. When you boot up the game you are taken to a menu where you can start a game, see the high scores, which does not work, or exit the game. If you pick to start the game it will take you to the only working part of the project, the game itself. The game has 3 modes, a 10x10 grid, a 15x15 grid, and a 20x20 grid. Each of these grids play just like the normal game of minesweeper.

The only problems that we had for the project is that we could not find a way to save the scores, and there was a small change that when you started a new game it would started with some places clicked, which may make you lose before the game started. The score saving problem is something that we could have fixed if we had more time, it was put in the game as a place holder and was the last thing that we were going to implement. For the other problem we do not know where the problem