Hub for clubs

Hub for Clubs app page

Hub for Clubs home page

For the final project of ICS 314 we were split into group and were assigned to make a website that fixes a problem for students at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, UHM. The problem that my group had was that there are over 200 clubs on campus, and there is no easy way to look up information on what they are for. To fix this problem my group made a site that has an information page for each of the clubs in UHM.

The site my group made is called Hub-for-Clubs. The site has a profile for each of the user, student, which allows you to set your majors and interests, a page for each of the clubs, and a place for club announcements. As a user you can lookup clubs by name, major, or interests. They can also look for clubs based on their majors and interests. After the user joins a club their profile will receive announcements filtered just for the clubs that they have joined.

On the club side of the site clubs can post basic information for their club. Some of the information that the clubs can add are a club website, contact email, and a description of the club. Each of the clubs can also post announcements to their page. These announcements after being posted will be displayed on the club page, the site announcements page, and the user page for any that is part of the club.

My part of the site was making some of the mockup of the website pages, before we implemented any of the functionality. After that I mostly worked on filling out more of the starting site data for the clubs. The data that I was looking up was all the data that was not part of the UHM club google doc, and an image for each of the clubs. Most of this data was easy to find, because many of the clubs had some online presence, either local or national, where I could find the information that I needed. For the clubs that I could not find information for I needed to find either generic information, leave it blank, or for a few of the required field make something up. If we had more time and it was not the end of the semester my group may have been able to email each of the club representatives to fill out the default club information.