Software Engineering

16 Dec 2019

User Interface Frameworks

User interface framework is a coding style that allows you to make a visual interface for a website with little effort. These frameworks allow you to make a dynamic site with very little coding and without the need to learning a lot of complicated backend coding. I have used some UI framework before at my job, but we use a different type of UI framework. For work we use bootstrap. It was interesting learning semantic UI because it is different than bootstrap. Now that I have a little bit of understanding in each of these UI frameworks, I believe that it will be good for applying for jobs. Also, now that I have used both of them, I don’t have an opinion on which one I like better, although I have not used either of them for that long of a time.

Agile Project Management

Agile project management is a style of running a project. The one that I learned in my computer science class was issue driven project management. Issue driven project management is a management style where you make milestones with due dates, then you make an “issue” for each thing that need to get done by the due date, and as you finish the issue you close it and open a new one. At the due date you will present what you have of the project. After presenting the project close the milestone and open a new milestone with all the remaining issues, any new ones that came up from the presentation, and what are the issues that were already planned for the next milestone. I have not done many group projects except the ones that I have had to do for school, so I do not know if I will be using this in anything for a while. This is a good management style and I think that I will use it for the next big group project when I have a chance to.

Design Patterns

Design patterns are highly suggested way that you should write code. These patterns were created by experts. They were made so that everyone that codes can read and understand the code of someone else if they know what design pattern they used. This uniformity also makes it easier to teach new people to code because it allows the teacher to use any code that is using the same design pattern as a template or layout for what they are teaching. Also, it allows people to make formatting outline and auto formatting styles.

As for using any design patterns in my coding, I don’t think that I have. Every computer science class that I have had has had different ways that the teacher wants me to type up my code, I don’t think any of them were full design patterns. Although, some of them seemed like they may have been parts of design patterns. I have had classes where the teacher wanted me to comment on every little thing that I was putting into the code, and I have had classes where all the functions that a user had access to were functions that just passed data to the real function that did all the work.